Who is my guru?

Jinna Balu
1 min readMar 4, 2019

How do I find my guru?

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

So, if you are seeking a guru for solace, there are many.

If you are seeking a guru for liberation, then if you sit with him you feel threatened, you want to run away from him but at the same time, you don’t want to leave him for a moment. If you constantly feel threatened by him, at the same time you want to be with him, that means he’s a good guru for you.

If you are very comfortable with him, he is a no good guru for you. You must be constantly uncomfortable with him; at the same time, you long to be with him, that is a good prescription for you.

When the disciple is ready, Master appears.

Do not search for a Guru. Be a true disciple first, and then a true Guru will appear. And, if you do not transform, then have the courage to change the Guru. Do not just follow any Guru blindly. Your transformation is a proof enough whether you need to move on to another Guru or not. Or else, its it will just be a mutual exploitation.

Picking a right guru or boss to be with

